OMIMO Style Guide

Last updated:2024-01-12

This page provides you with the elements and standards we recommend to use in your content when referring to OMIMO modules.


Using uniform spelling and capitalization helps make it easier for people and machines to find the relevant content. For example, the standard form of the minimalist project management system is Any other form of spelling, capitalization, or abbreviation (e.g.,, P3.Express, P3 express, P3express, P3X, P3E, and P3) is incorrect.

The following are the standard forms of the key names in the OMIMO family:


Some platforms such as LinkedIn don’t accept dots in hashtags. Therefore, we can remove the dot in the hashtag, and for example, use #p3express to refer to We can also add #projectmanagement, #programmanagement, or #portfoliomanagement hashtags to our posts to make the context clearer.

Describing the nature of the modules

If you really want, you can refer to most modules (such as as a method, methodology, or framework, but our preferred wording is to call each of them a system or module to avoid the unnecessary debates over the differences between a methodology and a framework on the one hand, and avoid the confusion over the general meaning of those words on the other.

Describing the license

All modules are provided with a Creative Commons Attribution license which is “free”:

The most important concept is freedom, but when the English word “free” is used, most people understand it as gratis and not libre. Therefore, it’s best to describe it as “libre” or “free (libre and gratis)”.

Some people use the term open source. While open source has similar values and rights, using the terms for non-software concepts is not acceptable, according to many. So, we encourage you to use the term libre instead.


Each OMIMO module has a primary and a secondary colors, and it’s a good idea to use them when creating graphics:

ModulePrimary ColorSecondary Color

Note: In the past, the logo didn’t have a fixed color and we used to use different colors for it depending on the context. Since the addition of other modules, we’ve fixed their colors to make it easier to distinguish them, and therefore, the colors used in all logos are fixed now and we don’t recommend changing them.


For titles and posters, we recommend using a Sans Serif font, because it’s more suitable to the minimalist nature of