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Invitation to review the draft vision and mission of OMIMO

Published on 2025-02-10

In the beginning, there was a simple, undocumented vision of having a project management system that the majority of project managers could actually use in their projects instead of running their projects on an ad hoc basis. P3.express was created to make that vision a reality.

Over the past 8 years, P3.express has helped many people get closer to that goal, thanks to outstanding contributions from the community. However, the community’s diversity has also clarified that we can go further by broadening our vision and mission. For example, it doesn’t matter how well we manage our projects (with P3.express or otherwise); if we waste our capacity on the wrong projects, we won’t get anywhere. That’s why it’s also essential to have effective portfolio management (P5.express or otherwise).

So, the first explicit, documented vision and mission statements for OMIMO are now ready and, as usual, can benefit from your comments.

Please send your comments by the end of March 2025 to info@omimo.org. The latest draft of the vision and mission statements can be found here:


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