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The final version of P5.express and call for translations

Published on 2024-07-15

The final version of P5.express has been released. We thank all the contributors who have reviewed and commented on various drafts of P5.express over the past 8 months.

The manual is now available for translation into other languages. If you’re interested, contact info@omimo.org by the end of 2024-07-28. We’ll wait until then, in case more than one person is interested in the same language, and then teams will be formed to start working together.

To get an idea of the significant impact of such contributions, have a look at the P3.express translation report. To decide whether you want to take on the responsibility, see the P5.express translation guide.

IMPORTANT: Please do not start translating before contacting info@omimo.org as other volunteers may already be working on the same language.

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